9:00 am Prayer
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Morning Worship
7:00 pm Prayer
7:30 pm Bible Study
2019: The Year of the Secret Place (Psalms 91)
Bishop M. Ruel McCoy, Sr., Diocesan
January 9 7:00 PM All Saints Meeting RCG Gainesville
January 10 7:00 PM All Saints Meeting RSA Sanford
January 23-25 Varied 27th IDMWG Winter Retreat Myrtle Beach, SC
January 25-26 Varied 16th Region X Conference Refuge Miami
February 5 5:00 PM All Saints Meeting RCS Sorrento
February 5 7:30 PM ALL Saints “Intentionality” Meeting GRM Orlando
February 23 2:00 PM FED Auxiliary Pres. Strategic Goals Meeting GRM Orlando
February 24 4:00 PM Family & Friends RCS Sorrento
March 3 6:00 PM Bishop McCoy Preaches and Diocese Serves Winter Haven
March 9 10:00 AM Joint District Meeting GRM Orlando
March 10 4:00 PM Missionary Fellowship Service RCS Sorrento
March 24 Varied Family and Friends Day SC Connecticut
March 31 3:00 PM 5th Sunday JAMZ RCG Gainesville
April 6 1:00 PM FED Auxiliaries in Ministry (AIM) Day GRM Orlando
April 13 3:30 & 5:00 Joint Diocese Youth Fellowship Vero Beach
April 20 12 N Women’s Day (All White) RCG Gainesville
April 21 Varied Easter Sunday All Churches
April 24-27 Varied 79th International Congress Hampton, VA
May 2-3 Varied Pre Centennial Founder’s Day Rally New York, NY
May 10-11 Varied Joint Semi-Annual Diocese Meeting GRM Orlando
May 11 5:00 PM Men and Women’s Duel Day GRM Orlando
May 12 Varied Mother’s Day All Churches
May 20-23 Varied International Leadership Seminar Columbia, SC
June 10 11:00 AM Family & Friends Day RCG Gainesville
June 15 6:00 PM Men and Women Duel Day RCS Sorrento
June 16 Varied Father’s Day All Churches
June 19-29 Varied 44th Church Anniversary Services GRM Orlando
▪ 19th-21st VBS Homecoming Revival
▪ 22nd 5K Walk and VBS Outreach
▪ 23rd Family & Friends/ Heritage Day
▪ 26th-29th Mission Trip Dominican Republic
June 30 3:00 PM 5th Sunday JAMZ Paradise Cocoa
July 6 6:00 PM Women’s Council Day RCS Sorrento
July 22-28 Varied 100th International Holy Convocation Greensboro, NC
August 10 9AM-1PM Back to School Bash RCS Sorrento
August 17 12 Noon Overcoming God’s Grace RCG Gainesville
August 25 12 N/3:00 PM Bishop & Lady McCoy FED Appreciation Service GRM Orlando
September 6-7 Varied AFC/HARVEST/JUBILEE GRT Jacksonville
September 14 6:00 PM Harvest Service RCS Sorrento
September 29 3:00 PM 5th Sunday JAMZ RSA Sanford
October 9-13 Varied 68th International Women's Council Jacksonville, FL
October 9-13 Varied International Bishop’s Council Jacksonville, FL
October 19 6:00 PM Pastor’s Appreciation RCS Sorrento
October 27th 10:00 AM Joint District Meeting Clermont/TBA
November 1-2 Varied FED/FECD Joint Holy Convocation Clermont/TBD
November 16 6:00 PM 83rd Church Anniversary RCS Sorrento
November 28 Noon Thanksgiving Day Worship GRM Orlando
December 3 7:00 PM Bishop McCoy Preaches and Diocese Serves VTOG Sanford
December 7 TBA Mother Jenkins’ Appreciation RCS Sorrento
December 22 12 N/3 PM Silver Star Celebration and Dinner Theater GRM Orlando
December 22 TBA Christmas Service RCS Sorrento
December 25 Noon Christmas Day Worship GRM Orlando
December 29 3:00 PM 5th Sunday JAMZ RCS Sorrento
December 31 10pm Watch Night Fellowship All Churches